Protect, Restore and Promote Sustainable use of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Sustainably Manage Forests, Revers Lan Degradation and Halt Biodiversity Loss

  • Halt and reverse land degradation
  • Biodiversity loss
  • Manage forests
  • Combat desertification

Protecting our Green lungs in the city is very important not only for the biodiversity that it contains but also for the kind of Health and Wellbeing that it promotes within the population. It has an important role to protect our remaining rainforest in the city and its biodiversity through the local planning and development process. It has the ability to create public awareness on its importance and provide the required incentives and mechanisms to manage and preserve its ecosystem.

Kuala Lumpur Overview SDG 15

Total number of trees available in the city of Kuala Lumpur is still considered healthy levels that provide much needed relief from the heat of the sun. The city has implemented various tree planting programmes around Kuala Lumpur that are joined and contributed by a variety of stakeholders. The city has planted 161,440 trees between the year 2011 to year 2014. Since then the city has engaged in many tree planting programmes with over 900,000 trees being planted in Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya in the next four years. This is in line with the national environmental programme “Mission Green Possible, which will oversee the planting of 100 million trees by 2025. The initiative would produce 117 tonnes of oxygen a year while reducing carbon dioxide by 22 tonnes.

Policy and Frameworks

Current Kuala Lumpur policies and frameworks to enable the acceleration of sustainable city

Kuala Lumpur 2024

  • Kuala Lumpur Spatial Management Plan 2040

  • Kuala Lumpur Natural Asset Protection Zone:
  • SV1.1.AProtect permanent reserved forest and urban forest from development
  • SV1.1DIntensify community involvement in conservation of urban natural assets
  • SV1.1.EEstablish Urban Biodiversity Index for habitat monitoring
  • SV1.2BEstablish a network of forest link/ecology corridor
  • SV1.2XIntegrate an environmental friendly urban drainage systems as an ecological network
  • SV1.3AIncrease Urban Tree Canopy Coverage
  • Kuala Lumpur Low Carbon Society Blueprint 2030

  • BG1Protect existing reserved forests
  • BG3Protect Parks & Increase Biodiverse Areas
  • BG2Enforce legal frameworks and governance
  • BG12Develop native tree seedlings project


Targets set by Kuala Lumpur to reach the 2030 agenda.


  • 2.5 million number of trees in Kuala Lumpur
  • 50km2 of green space created and maintained


  • 50% tree canopy coverage achieved throughout Kuala Lumpur
  • 100% preserve forest and recreational areas in Kuala Lumpur


  • 5 million+ trees planted in Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur Overview SDG 15


KL SDG Performance

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