SDG Solutions Based Brainstorming

Over 40+ Global Young Leaders came together through Junior Chamber International (JCI) to discuss on creating positive change in the economy and society. Specifically the brainstorming session focused on two important topics within the context of Food Security and Minority & Inclusion. The first topic covered the Role of Urban Farming in Cities and the second was on Lifelong Learning for people with disabilities and learning disabilities.

The exploratory discussion developed through exchanging of ideas with the purpose to come up with concrete decisions to be followed up throughout the year. The session ensured inclusiveness of different perspectives with no idea or voice silenced.

A couple problem statements was posed: Can Urban Farming act as a solution for the city to reduce homelessness and provide lifelong learning skills to disabled and minority groups? And is this solution enough to be a catalyst of change?

Through the problem statement, groups came up with several solutions within these context such as providing Training, Fertigating easy to harvest crops, Financial literacy training and benchmarking successful homeless gardening programmes that can be emulated; to name just a few. Understanding the homeless and disabled population was also a key factor to develop more specific programmes that can be impactful and contribute to society in the long term.

These data sets would be used to understand, communicate and learn together in order to develop strong foundational principles that will empower the disabled groups and elevate the homeless out of their current state. It is also imperative to give the marginalised groups positive recognition. This will lend to their self-worth and stake in society.

The following brainstorming is a start to further collaboration between SDG Centre KL with JCI International. We intend to see and participate in more hands on activities throughout 2023.

Photo Credit: JCI International / Benggy Yeong

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