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SDG Club & Perkhemahan Perdana SDG

19 August, 2022 - 21 August, 2022

URBANICE Malaysia bersama DBKL dan Sekolah Lelaki Jalan Batu Kuala Lumpur telah mengadakan Perkhemahan Perdana SDG yang melibatkan penyertaan seramai 70 orang pelajar daripada pelbagai umur (darjah 2 hingga darjah 6) serta 15 orang pelajar istimewa (autism).

Mereka bermalam di sekolah yang turut ditemani oleh guru-guru sekolah. Pelajar diberikan pendedahan tentang penjagaan alam sekitar, hutan, sungai, pengurusan sampah dan persekitaran yang secara langsung berkaitan dengan pencapaian ke arah Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Mereka juga turut membuat aktiviti plogging untuk membersihkan sungai dan jalan. Hasil pembuangan sampah yang diperolehi akan ditimbang supaya memberikan maklumat tentang sampah yang tidak dikitar semula yang dihasilkan oleh warga kota (waste generation) dalam sesebuah kawasan.

Semoga program ini bermanafaat dalam memberikan pendedahan awalan di sekolah tentang matlamat negara dan khususnya Kuala Lumpur ke arah Bandaraya yang Mampan, berdaya tahan serta future-proof.

Terima kasih guru-guru dan semua pelajar dari Sekolah Lelaki Jalan Batu Kuala Lumpur yang terlibat.


URBANICE Malaysia together with DBKL and Sekolah Lelaki Jalan Batu Kuala Lumpur held the First SDG Camp which involved the participation of 70 students of various ages (grade 2 to grade 6) as well as 15 special needs students (autism).

They spent the night at the school accompanied by school teachers. Students are given exposure to the care of the environment, forests, rivers, waste management and the environment which is directly related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

They also do plogging activities to clean rivers and roads. The waste disposal results obtained will be weighed in order to provide information about the non-recycled waste produced by the city's citizens (waste generation) in an area.

Hopefully this program will be useful in providing initial exposure in schools about the country's goals and especially Kuala Lumpur's towards a Sustainable, resilient and future-proof City.

Thank you to the teachers and all the students from Jalan Batu Kuala Lumpur Boys' School who were involved.




19 August, 2022
21 August, 2022


SDG Centre KL


Batu Road Boys' Primary School
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